I’m exhibiting in East London | Jan 2024 Update

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Welcome to my world, where bold, luxurious statement art is filled with philosophy, psychology and mindset, wrapped up in a beautiful piece to make you stop and think.

welcome, I'm SHARON

Let’s discuss 2024 Goals

One of my goals for 2024 is to explore opportunities with galleries and exhibitions and so I am excited to announce that I am exhibiting in East London in February.

Galleries vs self representing artists

Traditionally, artists could only show their paintings to the world through agents and galleries….until social media came along. And then artists started to sell to people directly.  

I have always wanted to develop my style away from the influence of galleries and agents because they can often direct your work to be as commercially interesting as possible. I was also interested in focusing on alternative platforms for exposure such as social media or local art fairs. Where I have met so many of you!!

What has changed in 2024

What has changed in this year is that I am now prompted to expand and explore. My art style has somewhat solidified and so I don’t think I would be swayed by external opinion. I would also be interested in reaching the more traditional collector markets that are often accessed through galleries.

My thought process

As I contemplate this transition, I wanted to reflect on what joining a gallery means to me. Galleries often offer a level of prestige and can act as gatekeepers to higher-end markets and collectors. They provide support in logistics, promotion, and sales, which can free me up to focus more on my creative process. ndependently to ensure that my creative vision remained undiluted by commercial pressures. But as my name gains recognition and my art evolves, I recognize the potential benefits of gallery representation. The right gallery could elevate my work, introducing it to discerning collectors and helping to establish my presence in the international art community. On the other hand, they also require a commitment and typically take a substantial percentage of the sales.

But I may backtrack!

But as I explore these new avenues, I am cognisant that these collaborations aligns with my values and aspirations as an artist so I may come back here in a few months and totally backtrack!

We shall see!

Location and Dates

For those in East London in the beginning of February, please join me at SB Studio, Unit 10, The Archives, The High Cross Centre, Fountayne Rd, London N15 4QN

9th Feb 2024 at 6pm-10pm 

10th Feb  at 1pm-4pm

11th Feb  at 1pm-4pm

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All Images are Copyright © All artwork is the sole property of Sharon Schurder Art Ltd and is held under copyright (even after purchase). The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Sharon Schurder. All images of artwork, sold or otherwise, are retained by Sharon Schurder. Portraiture and Photos of Sharon in the Studio all by Gaby Ekaireb. Rome Collection photos by Sophy Weiss. Other photographers are: Yaffa Judah.

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