Why October 7th changed me and my art forever

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Welcome to my world, where bold, luxurious statement art is filled with philosophy, psychology and mindset, wrapped up in a beautiful piece to make you stop and think.

welcome, I'm SHARON

I find myself in a bit of a conundrum, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you as you follow along on my artistic journey.

As I delve deeper into the realm of abstract art, I am constantly thinking about what influences my paintings and how it appears in my artwork. This debate has become particularly poignant in the context of the ongoing Israel/Gaza conflict, which has left an impact on my creative process.

My kids with the MISSING sign for Baby Kfir Bibas, who was kidnapped from Israel and taken to Gaza by Hamas terrorists

As a Zionist Jew, witnessing the heartbreaking and exhausting realities of this conflict leaves me with a sense of responsibility. 

But the feminist in me is equally torn, given the unsettling silence of any Feminist organisation to speak up for the Israeli female rape victims. 

The BLM movement, too, seems to have overlooked the plight of Black Jews, adding to the complexity of my artistic identity. 

Meanwhile, I am flabbergasted by the silence of baby loss charities in addressing the situation of Israeli babies taken hostage into Gaza. When I try to email these organisations that I have worked with so closely in the past,  the responses focus on the number of Gaza babies affected, diverting attention from the plight of Israeli infants.So here lies my conundrum for me.

So much of my activism is displayed in my artwork yet during this time, these causes I align with, have mostly stayed silent. 

I continue to explore this complex terrain and I welcome your thoughts and insights. 

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