Ready to immerse yourself into the collection?
In 2021, the backlash against Jews (cloaked in Anti-Zionism) and the mis-information were absolutely startling.
I felt exhausted by the comments both in person and online. I had to stop taking public transport to my job in the City after I was verbally abused. Twice.
I tried to speak out but my mentor suggested I turn to the easel instead. I share with you my fears, hopes and dreams in paint form.
2021 sparked the positive cry of #myorthodoxlife, due to a tv show about a lady who had left her orthodox life behind and shed religion to become happy.
It was also the year that women's roles continued to be spotlighted in the home and traditional responsibilities between Jewish man and woman continued to be blurred due to Covid-19 'work from home' arrangements.
Yes I may be living in 2021 but it gives me great comfort and puts a smile to my face that really, is my Jewish life so different to my grandparents and great-grandparents?
Regardless of the year and regardless of the century, Jewish Traditions continue to thrive and be practised across the world with the same vigour and excitement.
Jewish Life is centered around community and yet for much of 2021, community events in person were still banned for fear of spreading Covid-19.
Instead, Jewish Life and worship has become a more solitary operation and our once busy halls and synagogues turned quiet.
I hope that you, my Collectors will look at these pieces and feel the challenge, the questions, the conflict and the unity that came from painting this collection. I hope by having these paintings on your wall that you will gain inspiration and feel empowered to create beautiful futures for yourselves as members of this persecuted nation who seems to rise from the ashes, each and every time.
To be a Jew....this is what it means to me.
- Sharon
Introducing the Collection
My Collections of Fine Art Paintings are released quarterly and are based around a central topic. Be quick, they sell out FAST.