I received an email from my doctor’s surgery and couldn’t help feel a little unsettled.
For those that know me well, I am drawn to advocating for Feminism, Pregnancy Loss awareness and Identity and my paintings are driven by these topics.
I am going to try something new in 2023 and instead of keeping my thoughts to myself, I am planning to share them with the world! Hoping I don’t get into too much trouble 🙂 The usual disclaimers attached; these thoughts are mine, and mine only and are not connected in any way to any organisations or institutions I may be a part of!
Ok so back to this Doctor’s Surgery email. The surgery first half heartedly congratulated a group of female doctors on the births or upcoming births of their children.
But then instead of focusing on these new wonderful humans in existence, they pointed out the maternity leaves that these women were taking and going to be taking.
The surgery want to apologise that because of these maternity leaves, the surgery now doesn’t have enough staff and so please be patient with them.
What a weird email. Is the surgery trying to blame their mismanagement, lack of forward planning and poor recruitment efforts, on a group of women who are entitled to time off?
Parenting leave is not a surprise, they had months to organise staff cover. Why tell patients that because of their female doctors having children and spending those precious first few months busy with feeding and nurturing their new little bundle, will mean that it a ‘challenging time’ for the rest of us.
Why does society continue to paint such messages.
It is 2023. Isn’t it time to start highlighting and praising the strength of women who continue our human race with the miracle of creating children, whilst also serving in their communities and professions.
Doctor Surgery Email to Patients, apologising for lack of staff
Names removed to respect privacy but rest of email included for context
We are delighted to report that Dr. B gave birth to a baby boy at the end of 2022. In addition Dr. M is now on maternity leave, and Dr. A will also be on maternity leave in the summer of 2023.
Unfortunately Dr. S will be leaving us at the end of February 2023.
We are pleased that Dr. S and Dr. S will be doing some regular clinics.
The team at X are working hard to recruit replacements as quickly possible but due to a shortage of doctors this is proving a challenge. Consequently this means that there is a shortfall in the number of doctors available to meet the needs of our patients.
The doctors at X are committed to doing their utmost to help everyone who needs it.
There are many services that you can contact directly for healthcare without needing to speak to a GP first.
Please continue to show all staff respect and to be polite at all times. Your understanding and co-operation is appreciated during these challenging times.
Best wishes
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