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#9 Blow the Shofar – Original Painting


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SKU: SSA032RC Category: Tags: ,


Blow the horn, the Shofar, for the sound of redemption. From exile, from hardship, from suffering. The Jewish people were exiled by the Romans so many years ago. How long more must we wait?

Part of the Rome Collection

10×12 inches. Painted onto primed, thick archival canvas and stretched onto board to maintain its shape. Professionally framed in bespoke Obiche wood Floater Frame (not shown). Each painting makes the perfect gift because we have provided a string mechanism on the back so the painting is ready to hang.
Resin, mica powders, pigment, silicone, paint, stone, glitter.
Delivered with Certificate of Authenticity, together with luxurious wax seal.


created just for you
in my london studio

sustainably packaged

10% donated
to charity



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All Images are Copyright © All artwork is the sole property of Sharon Rose Art and is held under copyright (even after purchase). The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Sharon Rose. All images of artwork, sold or otherwise, are retained by Sharon. Portraiture and Photos of Sharon in the Studio all by Gaby Ekaireb and Yoav Pichersky. Rome Collection photos by Sophy Weiss. Other photographers are: Yaffa Judah, Yoav Pichersky.

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